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Our Environmental Science tutors offer exam preparation and past paper coaching for AQA, OCR, Edexcel, WJEC and SQA boards. To find further details of Environmental Science private tutors you can obtain free contact details, by clicking on the links of the Environmental Science tutor profile. To see the charges, prices and costs of private Environmental Science tuition click here. . If you wish to register please as a tutor visit this page. If you are unable to find a suitable tutor in your area please visit our tutoring agencies and tuition centres page. Alternatively click here Biology, Geography, or here Chemistry to find a private tutor for related subjects.
Personal teaching can effectively improve grades for KS4 / GCSE Environmental Science or A-Level Environmental Science.
The study of GCSE Environmental Science involves five key areas. The first being the study of air water and energy. The composition of air and it's role in protecting the environment is included in key topic areas where Greenhouse Effect and water cycle are studied. The use of water it's availability and supply, treatment and conservation is a key area covered. Renewable and non renewable types of energy are also studied including the uses, extraction and transport of fossils fuels. This topic area also deals with eco friendly impacts on the environment dealing with alternative forms of energy including wind and tidal energy etc. Nuclear power is discussed including nuclear fission and nuclear fusion as well as other renewable eco friendly energy resources and the conservation of energy.
The second key area studied at GCSE are rocks and soils where the uses and extraction of rocks and minerals are studies and the formation and properties of soil including soil erosion and conservation. GCSE also includes organisms and environments including the two major life processes of photosynthesis and cell respiration. Energy flow, ecosystems, wildlife conversation and landscape conservation is also studied. The last major two areas studied for GCSE includes farming, fisheries and forestries and also how society deals with waste and pollution including waste, recycling on larger scales and smaller scales i.e. how the household can recycle paper, plastics etc, water and air pollution including ozone depletion.
We know that learners can find some areas of Environmental Science courses challenging at GCSE and A-Level. If you are a student finding difficulty in getting to grips with key topic areas mentioned above, you may wish to search for a teacher on our directory. Tutors are available to offer tutoring face to face in your home or via Skype by providing online Environmental Science tuition.
AS-Level and A-Level Environmental Science involves an extended detailed study of the topics at GCSE. AS-Level deals with the study of the atmosphere, soils and energy including the study of different levels of the atmosphere such as the Carbon cycle and solar radiation, the greenhouse effect and ozone layer. It also deals with water and it's effect on the environment today such as water uses, recycling and treatment. Renewable and non renewable energy resources are defined and additionally alternative power types are discussed including wind power, solar power and biofuels. Furthermore the Earth and biosphere and lithosphere are studied as well as Geology topics including soil formation, soil types and properties, minerals rock types and rock cycles.
A2-Level deals with autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition as well as respiration and ecosystems. The ecological aspect of environment is concentrated on at A2. These include speciality ecological topics such as habitats, biotic resources, crop plants, fishing, and farming. Conservational theory and topics related to pollution and it's effect on the environment include deforestation, pollution, soil and waste disposal, as well as air and noise pollution and radiation.
College students requiring high grades for further study, such as University entry can benefit with the help of private Environmental Science classes. If you need to practice exam style or require assistance in writing up Environmental Science coursework, we list both home tutors as well as tuition agencies who can assist your learning.
Students who wish to extend their study beyond A-Level may wish to study some of the following disciplines at degree and post graduate level including Atmospheric sciences, Biodiversity, Ecology, Ecotourism, Environmental conservation or management. If you require help with specifications for Standard and Higher grades, IGCSE, IB, BTEC or GNVQs, we have a range of specialist personal Environmental Science teachers, who are on hand to aid your learning.
Many syllabi also require that the student to attend at least one field trip. This enables the student to get an hands on approach of the topics covered on the syllabus in school or college. Often several experiments are carried out and the student will write this up as a mini project. This is often assessed and will be used along with the final examination mark to determine the overall grade of the A-Level course.
Students who wish to extend their study beyond A-Level have several routes to choose from which they can go onto study at University. If a student wishes to embark on a career in Ecology they can take the route of working in conversation. This can be anything from working with conservation of animals to woodlands. Many students who wish to work in this field need to study Environmental Conservation at degree level and possibly Biodiversity. Private Environmental Science lessons can help a student with degree Environmental Science revision techniques, should they require help with such specialities such as Ecology, Biodiversity at university, postgraduate, MSc or PhD levels.Another profession that a degree students may wish to undertake is Environmental Health.
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