What Qualifications Do Private Tutors Need?

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Private Tutors Qualifications overview

Currently there are no specified, minimum qualifications required to become a private tutor. However most tutors have a minimum qualification of a degree, HND or HNC.

Some tutors may also have post graduate qualifications usch as a Cert Ed (Certificate In Education), PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate In Education) or a PhD.

Graduates who obtain a Cert Ed or PGCE status, do so because it is needed to work in F.E. colleges or schools. These qualifications are required to enable teachers and lecturers to teach groups of students and pupils. Personal tuition is mostly carried out on a one to one basis and therefore a Cert Ed or PGCE is not required.

From our experience of tutoring for nearly two decades, we have observed that graduates, teachers, lecturers, all have different individual qualities and experience that they can bring to private tutoring. Ensuring academic wealth and success for students of all ages and levels is the key objective.

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Do Home Tutors & Private Tutors Need A CRB Check

There is no compulsory, legal requirement for freelance, self employed tutors to obtain a CRB Check. However when a tutor joins a tutoring agency, they will be required to get a CRB check.

In circumstances where freelance private tutors are tutoring young chilkdren, the parents or guardians may understandably feel happier if the tutor is CRB checked and cleared. We recommend that you obtain a CRB check if you are a personal tutor in this position. Although there is cost to obtain a CRB certificate, it will reassure the parents or guardians of your appropriateness to work with younger children.

CRB Checks For Private Tutors & Types Of CRB Check That A Private Tutor Needs

There are two types of Criminal Record Bureau Checks (CRB). The CRB check and the more rigorous enhanced disclosure check. It is a legal requirement for some employers to ensure that their employees have a CRB check. However in certain professions and jobs, an enhanced disclosure check must be carried out. This applies to circumstances where individuals are working with vulnerable adults or are working alone and unsupervised with children.

How Do Private Tutors Apply For A CRB Check?

Any private individual, including private tutors, are unable to directly apply for a CRB check.

Some organisations such as private tutoring agencies and schools can legally endorse CRB applications. These are known as REGISTERED BODIES. Generally if a tutor wishes to obtain a CRB certificate, they must apply to a registered body that will carry out a CRB check on behalf of private individuals. These are known as CRB UMBERELLA ORGANISATIONS. For more information regarding CRB checks, we recommend that you visit the specialist CRB section at the government's website. Links to this can be found on Home Tutors Directory links page.

By Jayne Thomas Co-founder of Home Tutors Directory

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