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If you are are interested in becoming a private tutor, you may wish to consider the following skills before setting up a private tuition service :-
The key approach of private tuition is to improve the understanding of the student. An essential skill for a home tutor is that they are able to help the student grasp and fully understand any area of subject weakness by good communication. Whilst at the same time engaging the student's interest and making the tutoring session fun will enhance their learning.
One of the major factors of one to one private tutoring is to tailor and deliver your lessons so that the student can understand areas of subject difficulty. For the student to improve, they must understand. Flexibility is the key. Just because you use a successful set protocol of how you tailor your tuition lessons for several of your students, does not mean this will work every time. Therefore if the student has difficulty in grasping certain areas of their syllabus, listen to their feedback and from this devise alternative ways of how you will tailor your tutoring for that particular student.
We would recommend that you only offer home lessons for the subjects that you are familiar with and enjoy and are passionate about. As a rule, the subjects that you enjoy, understand and feel most enthusiastic about are the ones which you will excel in at tutoring. Therefore you will have most success in improving the student's grades and confidence.
Most academic personal tutors provide private tuition for children or young adults. However if you specialise in tutoring students for GCSE upwards, you will be tutoring teenagers, young adults and possibly mature students. Therefore you will need to feel confident at communicating with all age groups. Even if you are only providing private tuition for primary or secondary level children, remember that you will often come into contact with and give feedback to their guardians or parents.
No explanation here - goes without saying !
As a freelance tutor, like any self employed profession, you will not have a clocking in machine! When you work for yourself you need to be self motivated and it is essential that you use your time effectively. Most students require tuition in the early evening on weekdays or at weekends. Keep these times free for tuition and carry out your admin such as filing, accounting etc at other times of the day or week. If you do not plan your time wisely, this may result in less time that you have available for one to one tuition and your private tuition business will generate less income.
Excellent organisational skills go hand in hand with good time management. As you build up clientele, you will find that you are providing private tuition to several students for different syllabi and possibly several subjects. This can become rather confusing, especially near exam times when you are using similar examination papers for several students. We advise that you keep a record for every student you tutor. This record should include the work that you have covered, any marks received for questions or past examination papers. The reasons for this is it is of benefit when you need to update parents regarding their child's progress. Another reason for keeping private tuition records per student is that it enables you to plan ahead, so that you can cover all topics that the student struggles with and leave time towards examinations to cover exam papers and examination questions.
We as the founders of Home Tutors Directory have 24 years combined experience of offering full time private tuition. We can reassure you that the demand for private tuition across the board is increasing, and is required throughout the year. We advise that advertising your home tuition service should be consistent. Whilst the demand throughout the academic year for private tuition varies per subject and level, factors to consider are do you want to provide tutoring throughout the year, number of subjects and levels you tutor, if you are wishing to travel and how far you are prepared to travel if at all. To increase your client base you need to advertise. The longer you advertise and the more advertising avenues that you exploit, the more tutoring work you will obtain.
However not all tutors wish to offer home tutoring full time.Some prefer to provide their services at busy times of the academic year such as the run up to the June exams. Other tutors who wish to offer a part time tutoring service, provide tutoring for intense Easter revision courses or Christmas revision classes.Some students require private tuition over the Summer holidays or because they may have resits for University exams. Alternatively in the Summer the demand for foreign language tuition increase.
See some of our recent testimonials from the tutors and tutoring agencies advertising on Home Tutors Directory - personal endorsements from the advertisers on Home Tutors Directory. For more guidance regarding private tuition and to see another recommendation for Home Tutors Directory see Tutors Frequently Asked Questions, regarding online tuition advertising. If you are a private tutor or tutoring agency looking to place a private tuition advertisement online please click here advertising for private tutor. or visit our registration form.
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