KS1 and KS2 Maths and English Preparation for Entrance examinations SATs preparation
Price and Range:
�23 per hour
Personal Information:
I am a qualified primary teacher with 20 years home tutoring experience, tutoring students of all ages and abilities from 4yrs-14yrs. I have marked SATS since they were first introduced.
Teachers certificate, Master of Arts degree in Education, Diploma in Education, CRB checked (enhanced). References available.
Lessons are individual lessons of one hour and work is tailored to the individual needs of the student. I give homework when needed or requested.
With the individual attention my students achieve improved SATs results and most achieve private school entrance with some achieving scholarships to schools in Leicestershire and surrounding areas.
I am happy to discuss the help you need for your child before tuition is started.
Ms Elizabeth Bowe
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