I teach, literacy skills, such as reading, writing, spelling, punctuation, grammar, study skills, social/life skills, mindfulness to help with stress management and relaxation
Price and Range:
I charge £40 per 40 minute session, half termly in advance.
Personal Information:
I am an experienced OCR 5 Dyslexia Tutor and Mentor. I am also an AD(HD) coach, Relax Kids Coach and Paws B Mindfulness Teacher.
I have personal and professional experience of Dyslexia, Dyspraxia (DCD), AD(HD) and high functioning Autistic spectrum disorders.
I am holistic in my approach, teaching in a multi-sensory way and include mindfulness in my sessions, to encourage my students to learn in a mindful fashion. My teaching is fun, informal and relevant to the learner. I also encourage the parents to participate in sessions and offer ongoing support and guidance to parents, so they can support their children outside of sessions.
I use Alpha-Omega programme to teach reading and spelling, which I find very thorough and successful. I also encourage learners to explore and develop their learning intelligences and preferences and apply this to their individual learning needs.
In the past, I have been in various publications, such as the Daily Mail, The Times Educational Supplement and on Television, raising awareness of Dyspraxia. I have also given talks and workshops on this subject to various professional groups and charities. Last August I was speaking on Mid Morning Matters on Marlow FM.
In my spare time, I enjoy walking, expressive arts, style and fashion, health and beauty, dancing, socialising, personal/spiritual development and mindfulness.
I consider myself to be kind, warm, empathetic, easy going and good humoured and believe learning should be fun, relaxing and not a chore. I believe in smart learning, rather than working hard.
I promote a "can do" attitude towards learning and teach positive thinking skills and encourage positive self-talk. This develops and improves self esteem and builds resilience.
If this approach resonates with you and you feel I may be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for reading this and I look forward to hearing from you.
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