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Salaries for private tutors earned from private tutoring jobs can vary as they are dependent on several factors
If you are wishing to offer a home tuition service, it is advisable to take the following factors into account.This will establish the earning potential what a tutor can earn in the UK, before setting tutoring prices.
Private tutors need to consider the costs involved in providing a private tuition service. Before deciding what to charge, it will be worthwhile making a list of all the different types of financial outlay that are involved.These will include : -
After you have taken into account the above factors of what you will cap your prices at, it is worthwhile considering the average prices for private tuition in the UK (as of January 2012). Please note this is an average approximation only. The prices for private tuition in London and the South East may be higher and these prices also do not include travelling expenses.
If you are looking for a tutor on Home Tutors Directory it is free of charge to find and contact tutors and tutoring agencies. We DO NOT charge finders fees.
By Jayne Thomas Co-founder of Home Tutors Directory
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