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The trick with placing your private tuition advertisements is to advertise in as many places and in as many types of media as possible. Some forms of tuition advertising are better than others but if you want to make a profit as a personal you must not rely on just one form of advertising. Some of the different forms of tuition advertising that you may consider are outlined below.

Advertise As A Tutor : Word Of Mouth

This is the best way of making a success of private tuition. The longer you are a tutor, the more experience you gain and the quicker your clientele will build up. As with any business personal recommendations count. The draw back with word of mouth though is that some clients are reluctant to tell anyone they have a private tutor. This can be rather frustrating, however you will always find every year that a fair few of your students got to hear about your private tuition service by word of mouth. We do not rely on this, but take it as an added bonus when past clients recommend our work.

Advertise As A Tutor : Tuition Agencies

Although commission is taken, providing you fit the criteria i.e. qualifications and CRB Checks, you may obtain work from them.

Advertise As A Tutor : Online Private Tuition Directories (such as this one)

Tutors pay no commission to online directories. If you are seriously considering providing a tutoring service and wish to increase your student base please consider Home Tutors Directory. We will guarantee that advertising your services with us allows your tutoring advert to be seen predominantly and consistently for all major areas within at least a 25 mile radius of your advertising area.

We are also one of the longest established online private tuition directories with recommendations by established educational websites, educational bodies and media. This includes ratings by Schoolzone, mentions by TES (Times Educational Supplement) Magazine,, the Report For Department for Children, Schools and Families by the National Centre for Social Research and The Sunday Times by Sir Chris Woodhead. We have also have been mentioned (July 2012) in Diane Mannion's book.

Unlike some free directories your advert can be found 365 days a year, not only half the time or less.

Also be aware of directories that limit you to postcode searches, be realistic and ask yourself how many tutoring enquiries will you receive, the more searches that your advert is seen for the more enquiries you will receive.

The high volume of private tutors advertising on free sites, means less chance of recieving tuition enquiries. The ratio of advertisers to visitors on Home Tutors Directory is far greater than on other sites. Don't just take our word for this see what some of our advertisers are sayingTestimonials Also there are many tutors on these free advertising sites who charge very low hourly rates - some even less than the minimum wage! It will be these tutors you are competing against and whose prices you will need to match to have a chance of gaining work. On Home Tutors Directory you do not need to consider reducing your hourly tuition rate because you are not competing with tutors who are charging much less than the national average. If you have to charge less because of this, you will lose out financially and will be underselling yourself. In effect the advert may be free, but your earning potential will be much less than on Home Tutors Directory.

Advertise As A Tutor : Local Paper / Local Directory Advertising.

This also a good way of finding clientele. The drawback with this unless you have the resources to pay for this all year round it can prove to be very costly in the long term.

Advertise As A Tutor : Cards In Local Shops/ Supermarkets / Post Offices.

This is cheap and often effective and can cost as little as 50p /week per advert. However do not expect a flood of phone calls, but you will always obtain some students from this.

Advertise As A Tutor : Social Media - Facebook, Twitter And Instagram.

With the advent of the poularity of Social Media, taking advantage of platforms such as Facebook, Twitter And Instagram to dedicate pages to advertising your tutroring service can be effective. Whilst conventional advertising as those discussed above is very effective, there is nothing to prevent a tutor advertising their private tuition service on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. However at the same time do not expect your phone to be ringing constantly even with many followers.

Advertise As A Tutor : Advertising When A Private Tutor Has Enough Work - Speculating To Accumulate

After tutoring all these years, and that the majority of our tutoring work is from referrals, we still continue to advertise.

Why? The answer is because we always remain prepared. If a tutor becomes complacent and thinks why do I need to continue advertising for potential students when I have already enough students? Or x number of people have said they require my services next month so I will not advertise my private tuition service for a while, you are running a risk that the tutoring work may end or not materialise. We strongly advise that you advertise in as many places as possible. For what it costs to advertise your tutoring services online, with us, other paying directories, and in shop and supermarket windows, the annual cost will probably amount to less than than cost of two to three lessons. It is better to have the enquiries and not need them, than to have too few enquiries and need the work. Always keep your options open

When Should Private Tutors Advertise?

The trick with advertising is not to put all of your eggs in one basket. One form of advertising will not fill your bookings. It is best to cast your net as wide as possible. We find obtaining clientele is constant all year round. Although often the best times to ensure full bookings is from September to July. The very busy pick up times for clients is September up to December and January then March to June. However this is only a guideline and depends on the subject and age range you wish to tutor. Even after trading twelve years we find that the most unpredictable happens and we are inundated with calls at certain times when we find in years that we have not been!

By Jayne Thomas Co-founder of Home Tutors Directory

See some of our recent testimonials from the tutors and tutoring agencies advertising on Home Tutors Directory - personal endorsements from the advertisers on Home Tutors Directory. For more guidance regarding private tuition and to see another recommendation for Home Tutors Directory see Tutors Frequently Asked Questions, regarding online tuition advertising. If you are a private tutor or tutoring agency looking to place a private tuition advertisement online please click here advertising for private tutor. or visit our registration form.

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